Mark Royo Celano
Ocean Photographer

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Books pushished

The visual and written information in the book is unique and deserves to be merited on various points. Firstly, for its value as a tool to fishing observers.
Secondly, for its broadcasting of a serious problem that finds itself united to a much more complex problematic question as is the deterioration of the biodiversity of the marine environment.
Thirdly, for its artistic quality; and last but not least, because it was done by somebody who knows the problems from the inside, having worked on board fishing ships as a scientific observer for quite a while.
Dr. Marco FaveroMar del Plata National University - CONICET
An ideal Company Gift book for all sea and photography lovers.
This book honours the Ocean and its sailors. Its a summary portrait wtih more than 200 images and selected phrases that shows the beauties and wonders of a rough sea with incredible animals, amazing landscapes and a weather only for brave ones.
Shipping worldwide ask for discounts list as Company Gift.
Join the"Save The Albatross Project" and
we can make a difference together.
The Save The Albatross project consist in the continuity of the "Photographic Guide for Identification of South Atlantic Sea Birds".
By catch has a serious impact on the health of seabird populations, some of which are seriously threatened. Observers play a key role in by catch assessment, monitoring, and mitigation. The effectiveness of their work depends on their ability to identify seabirds under real, on-board work conditions.
Generally, guides count on the fact that observers can hold the birds in their hands, hurt or dead. This guide emphasizes the recognition of seabirds from an observer's point of view, using binoculars or a camera, on board fishing vessels. For this reason, bird identification is supported by more than 100 color photographs throughout the guide.

Royo Celano is the author of the Digital Art "Gaucho Argentino" placed on the new 50 AR$ bill note of the Argentinian Republic. More info ...
Royo Celano es el autor de la fotografía y Arte Digital del "Gaucho Argentino" impreso en el nuevo billete de 50 $ en la República Argentina. Leer más..
Mark Royo Celano studied marine biology science in the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires and in the Comahue University in Bariloche, Argentina.
As a professional photographer he had worked abroad Argentina from 1987. In 1988, he became part of the Digital Creations Inc. in USA. From 1989, his photography work took him to Venezuela, India, Russia, Singapore and Australia, he had worked as nature photographer for N.G.O editorials and as a Photographic Cinema Director for Sandman Film Productions Company.
In 1991 was considered to be one of the 20 best nature photographers in the world by the Photo Industry Marketing Association of Australia. He was worked with image banks like ANT (Australian Nature Transparencies) and IMAGE BANK.

Dr. Marco Favero
The written and visual information presented in this book is unique, and should be merited on various levels.
Firstly, for its value as tool in the identification of birds by observers.
Secondly, for the disclosure of a rather serious problem that is part of another serious matter which is deterioration of the bio-diversity in the marine environment.
Thirdly, for the artistic quality.
And last, but not the least important, because this work was thought out and brought to life by somebody who knows the problems from inside, from working for a long times as a scientific observer on board fishing ship.
Dr. Marcelo Favero
Mar del Plata National University
Contact Me

Mark Royo Celano Art Photography
Skype: mark.royo.celano
Facebook: Mark Royo Celano
Tel: +54.223.484.3728
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